Questions / Answers


Is the product expired ? What is PAO?

There are two indications on the packaging of the cosmetic products that allow you to determine their validity.
Firstly, you can rely on the expiry date. Until this date, we guarantee the effectiveness and stability of our products. This is mandatory in Europe for hygiene and toiletry products with an expiry date of less than 30 months.
For products that do not have an expiry date (which is more than 30 months), it is recommended that you use the product within 3 years of purchase (in accordance with the PAO described below).
You can then refer to the PAO (Period After Opening), symbolised by an open jar containing a number and the letter M, for "month". The number is the number of months that the product can be used safely after opening.
Vacuum-packed products (airless dispensers or sterile cosmetics) do not have an AOP because they can be used for as long as desired, within a recommended limit of 3 years.


Do your products contain endocrine disruptors?

No, we do not use any proven endocrine disruptors in our formulas.
100% of the ingredients we use in our formulas are scrupulously analysed to guarantee perfectly safe and effective products.
Finally, we remain on alert to take into account any evolution in scientific knowledge and in the European Cosmetic Regulation.


Why are there silicones in your products?

 In cosmetic products, silicones (CYCLOPENTASILOXANE, DIMETHICONE,
CYCLOMETHICONE...) have excellent sensory properties: they improve the touch (slippery, smoothing sensation) and the finish (powdery, drier, matte). 
Silicones are considered as safe ingredients by international regulatory authorities, including the including the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS). They are chemically inert, well tolerated by the skin, non-comedogenic, non-irritant and non-allergenic.


Do your products contain parabens?

Parabens are naturally derived preservatives that are also found in fruits and vegetables (strawberries, carrots, onions). There are different types of parabens, and they have long been used in cosmetics to prevent the growth of bad bacteria and fungi.  In a formula, each form of paraben is used in an optimal concentration, with the aim of ensuring good protection against microbes, while of course being safe for the consumer.  
We have complete toxicological data, which is updated in line with scientific advances in chemical assessment. 
Our good knowledge of these substances allows us to use them safely. However, in response to our consumers' concerns, we are removing them as we reformulate.


Do your products contain nanoparticles ?

If an ingredient is incorporated into a product formula in nanometric form, the word [NANO] is specified after its name in the list of ingredients on the packaging. Nanoparticles are widely used in the food and cosmetics industries. For example, they have been present in sunscreen products for many years. Indeed, the nano-merised form of an ingredient guarantees a good spreading of the photoprotective active ingredient and therefore a better efficiency of the finished product. The safety of nanoparticles has been confirmed by European and international health authorities, who have established rigorous testing programmes before allowing their use. 


What is the function of the mineral oils in some of cosmetic products?

Mineral oils are raw materials made up solely of carbon and hydrogen molecules. They are used in cosmetics, but also in the pharmaceutical and food industries (as coating agents and hermetic packaging). Their main quality is that they remain on the surface of the skin, creating a protective film without penetrating the skin layers. As moisturisers, they soften dry skin while protecting it from environmental irritation. Perfectly stable, they are effective over time.
All our formulas containing mineral oils meet the rigorous norms of cosmetic regulations and ensure a maximum level of purity according to pharmaceutical standards. We require our suppliers to produce raw materials in accordance with European Pharmacopoeia standards.
Finally, we control the quality internally.
The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BFR) has confirmed that these oils are safe.
They are absolutely safe for the health of consumers and are known for their excellent tolerance and their protective and moisturising properties.


How to ensure the safety of the dermo-cosmetic products?

The safety of our consumers is the absolute priority of Pierre Fabre Laboratories
and we are committed to marketing only products whose safety has been scrupulously evaluated. All our products and their ingredients are governed by strict regulations under the European Regulation, recognised as one of the most protective of consumer safety.

Pierre Fabre's approach

What is the green impact index?

Developed by "Green Mission Pierre Fabre", the GREEN IMPACT INDEX (GII) is a tool and a methodology whose robustness, reliability, transparency and relevance have been assessed and guaranteed by AFNOR Certification.
The GII is a tool for measuring the eco-socio-design of cosmetic and family health products.
It measures the environmental and societal impact of our products based on a global score integrating 20 criteria. We evaluate an environmental score (2/3 of the score) and a societal score (1/3 of the score) through the formula, the packaging, the manufacturing, the transport, but also the certifications (organic, vegan, fair trade, guaranteed French origin) and the CSR commitment of the product or the brand. In order to be understood, useful and practical, this grade is translated by a classification from A to D, using the visual codes of the food or energy scores already adopted by the majority.


What are fragrance allergens ?

Allergens in fragrances are indicated on the list of ingredients to inform allergic people.
There are 26 main allergens, which must be included in the list of ingredients as soon as they are present at more than 0.01% in rinse-off products and at more than 0.001% in leave-on products.
 A legal statement, which has been mandatory since 2005, is intended to warn and protect people who are sensitive to these allergenic molecules, whether they are of synthetic or natural origin.
However, these substances are not dangerous for non-allergic people.
The purpose of this legal notice is to provide information so that consumers can make an informed choice about their product.
Our cosmetovigilance service has not identified any alerts on the perfumes we use. 


Do you use petrochemical ingredients?

 Our products may contain petrochemical ingredients. 

Petroleum is a natural raw material that is extracted from the earth. 

Its purification makes it possible to obtain cosmetic and pharmaceutical grade mineral oils. Purified mineral oils no longer have the same characteristics as the pure base material. 

The cosmetic and pharmaceutical grades of mineral oils ensure the highest level of safety and interesting properties for the skin (thickness, texture, protection).

In addition, our laboratory ensures the quality of these raw materials both internally and with our suppliers.

Petrochemical ingredients are fatty, neutral, inert, with excellent tolerance and non-irritating. They are therefore perfectly suited for products intended for sensitive skin.