Gamme Protect

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AD SPF50+ Sun Cream
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As part of our eco-responsibility approach, we have had each of our filters assessed by independent laboratories, who have demonstrated that our A-DERMA PROTECT filters have no impact on any species of coral, phytoplankton or zooplankton. Supported by scientific studies on these key models of marine biodiversity*.

SKIN & OCEAN: Our commitment : 

  • Filters evaluated as non-eco-toxic to 3 key marine biodiversity species.
  • Eco-designed suncare formula with optimized/improved biodegradability (OECD 301b standard).
  • Packaging: cardboard from sustainably managed forests
  • Less paper: leaflet printed inside
  • Partnership: in France, A-DERMA is a partner of PROJECT RESCUE OCEAN, an association recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, which carries out eco-citizen actions to collect waste on beaches and inland, to raise awareness among the general public and young people of the state of the environment, seas and oceans.


*A-DERMA PROTECT filters have been tested by the Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls-sur-Mer, a partner of the European Marine Biological Resource Center.
