How to live better everyday with excessive sweating?

Comment mieux vivre au quotidien avec une transpiration excessive ?

Sweating is a normal physiological response to increased body temperature (heat, exercise, fever). Emotional states (stress, fear, anger) can also trigger sweat production. In some people these mechanisms can go haywire and induce excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis. It can affect the whole body or only certain parts (armpits, feet or hands). It often has a significant impact on quality of life. Solutions exist to better manage excessive sweating.

4 simple daily rituals

  • Avoir

    wearing clothing or shoes made of synthetic materials or that are too tight


    To limit maceration, which increases the risk of mycosis


    Opt for leather or canvas shoes and loose-fitting clothes made of natural fibers (cotton or linen) 

  • Wash

    every day


    To limit the proliferation of bacteria, which make sweat smell bad


    Wash sweaty areas with a mild soap once or twice a day and dry thoroughly

  • Limit

    the triggers of sweating


    They dilate blood vessels and stimulate sweat glands


    Avoid alcohol, tobacco, spicy foods and foods containing caffeine (coffee, tea, cola)

  • Reduce



    Emotional stimuli trigger rapid and odorous sweating


    Learn to manage stressful situations using relaxation techniques or by taking breaks

Are aluminum salts dangerous for health?

How exposure to aluminum salts affects health has been a source of controversy. Although no link has been established between breast cancer and exposure to aluminum through daily use of such products, the European Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) was asked for an opinion. In 2020, the SCCS report concluded that use of aluminum in antiperspirants, toothpastes and lipsticks in the usual concentrations of marketed formulas is safe.

Comment mieux vivre au quotidien avec une transpiration excessive ?

Mode of action of an antiperspirant containing aluminum salts

Hyperhidrose - 01

Day 1

Application of the antiperspirant

Hyperhidrose - 02

Day 2

When in contact with sweat, aluminum salts form a plug at the opening of the duct

Hyperhidrose - 03

Day 3

Optimal efficacy after 3 days of antiperspirant use

Hyperhidrose - 04

Natural elimination of the plug

after several days of not using the antiperspirant

Deodorant vs. antiperspirant: what’s the difference?

Deodorants mask odors but have no effect on sweat production. They are indicated for people who do not suffer from hyperhidrosis.

Antiperspirants containing aluminum salts reduce the quantity of sweat produced by inhibiting the activity of sweat glands. They are indicated for people who suffer from hyperhidrosis or excessive perspiration. 

How to prevent bad smells ?

Bad smells occur when bacteria naturally present on the skin surface break down sweat. Daily cleansing and use of a deodorant or antiperspirant with an antibacterial effect will reduce such smells.

Related products


Care and treat

Anti-perspirant roll-on


Care and treat

Anti-perspirant cream

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