How to live daily with seborrheic dermatitis?

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Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory disease marked by flare-ups. It manifests as the regular appearance of red plaques covered with dandruff (flakes) on the scalp, face and/or chest. Three main factors are responsible for these symptoms: sebum secretion, the proliferation of yeast of the genus Malassezia and skin inflammation. Itching is often associated with the appearance of plaques and can be very uncomfortable. It is possible to prevent or delay new flare-ups by adopting some simple daily rituals.

4 simple daily gestures

  • Adhere

    to prescribed treatment regimen(s)


    • To reduce the amount of Malassezia yeast present on the skin
    • To combat inflammation
    • To prevent excessive sebum secretion


    Take treatment(s) as recommended by your doctor. 
    Set alarms or reminders so that you don’t forget. 

  • Adopt

    good skin and scalp hygiene practices


    To prevent relapse
    Irritating products stimulate sebum production and trigger inflammation, thus causing more plaques


    • Avoid scouring, scented, greasy or irritating soaps and shampoos or those containing alcohol
    • Choose gentle dermo-cosmetics formulated for this condition
    • After washing, dry skin by patting, with no rubbing
    • Dry hair with a towel and cold air from your hairdryer
  • Avoid

    scratching red plaques


    To avoid further irritation of the skin and scalp, and to avoid reactivating the inflammatory cycle


    • Apply a moisturizer or cold compress to the itchy area (cold pack, refrigerated thermal spring water, etc.) 

    • Keep your hands and mind busy so you don’t have to think about it

  • Follow

    a healthy and balanced lifestyle


    To reduce triggers
    Alcohol, tobacco, stress and fatigue all promote onset of plaques


    • Keep alcohol and tobacco to a minimum

    • Use stress management techniques (relaxation, meditation, sophrology, etc.)

The first stages of seborrheic dermatitis

Dermite Séborrhéique - 01

Trigger factors

Dermite Séborrhéique - 02

Excess sebum and proliferation of Malassezia

Dermite Séborrhéique - 03

Inflammation and accelerated cell renewal

Dermite Séborrhéique - 04

Itching, redness and dandruff

Comment vivre au quotidien avec de la dermite séborrhéique ?

What is the skin microbiome?

It is the set of microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts, viruses) present on the skin of all individuals. Each person has their own skin microbiome, inherited from birth. Its composition and diversity guarantee the balance of a healthy skin and participate in its protection against the outside world.

When an imbalance in its composition or diversity arises, it can result in the appearance of various skin pathologies.

This is the case with seborrheic dermatitis, in which an imbalance of yeasts of the Malassezia genus has been demonstrated.

What is the benefit of maintenance treatments?

Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic recurrent pathology that evolves through alternating phases of flare-ups (appearance of plaques) and remission (disappearance of plaques).

Once the plaques have disappeared, it is important to use a maintenance treatment to reduce excess sebum and maintain the balance of the skin’s microbiome. In this way, the vicious cycle of seborrheic dermatitis can be broken and the risk of relapse limited.

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To complete your routine

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