Eczema Care +: a new application to help manage eczema


Discover the scalable mobile application that helps patients live better with their eczema.

Eczema Care +

Recently launched by the Pierre Fabre Eczema Foundation, the Eczema Care + application is an evolving tool for eczema patients and all healthcare professionals involved in their care.

The development of this application is based on the needs of patients and caregivers identified during several workshops.

An application for patients

With Eczema Care +, patients can calculate the severity score of their atopic eczema using the PO-SCORAD, assess the effects of their treatment and visualize its long-term evolution using a curve and an intuitive interface. They also have access to a wealth of practical advice and tools to help them better understand and manage their condition.

An application for healthcare professionals

With Eczema Care +, healthcare professionals will be able to save time during consultations, thanks to documents shared upstream by patients. At the end of these consultations, they will be able to fill in personalized action plans, with advice on the care and products to adopt to make prescription reading easier.

An evolving application

To continue improving patient quality of life, the Eczema Care + application is designed to evolve, and will soon offer new functionalities.

To find out more and download the application, visit the Pierre Fabre Eczema Foundation website here.



[Replay] - EADV 2024 - Photo-exposure : what we see and what we don't

Prof G. Pellacani - Prof G. Argenziano - Prof A. Lallas - M . Da Silva Baptista

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