Pierre Fabre assessed by ECOCERT Environnement (ECOCERT 26000)



The Pierre Fabre Group has entrusted the independent organization ECOCERT Environnement with the task of assessing its CSR approach according to the ISO 26000 standard for sustainable development.

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In this first assessment, the company was awarded the Excellencelevel - corresponding to the highest maturity level of the ECOCERT 26000 standard - with a score of 77%. No international company of Pierre Fabre's size had previously been assessed by ECOCERT according to this standard.

In order to carry out the assessment as effectively as possible, 150 hearings were held in France and abroad, involving 55 Pierre Fabre employees selected at random and a panel of 8 external stakeholders. With regard to the 7 core questions of ISO 26000, the independent assessment body identified a number of strong points, as well as opportunities for improvement.

Some of the Pierre Fabre Group's strengths, as highlighted by ECOCERT Environnement:

  • The founder's original vision of "caring for people, their health and their environment", and its values based on respect for the company's stakeholders, have lost none of their robustness; for ECOCERT Environnement, they are "the foundation of a truly transparent and ethical CSR approach";
  • The Pierre Fabre Group's long-term commitment is underpinned by the fact that themajority of its employees belong to a Foundation recognized as being in the public interest, complemented by a particularly dynamic employee shareholder base (85% of employees are shareholders);
  • The Group is committed to all aspects of sustainability, is at the forefront of research and innovation (oncology, dermatology, dermo-cosmetics, etc.) and is exemplary in terms of environmental quality and working conditions;
  • The company'sroots in the South-West of France, and particularly in the Tarn region, contribute to the creation of lasting value in a largely landlocked area, and to theexport of localknow-how throughout the world.

Following the audit carried out by ECOCERT Environnement :

Over the next 3 years, the company's CSR approach will be guided by a number of priorities:

  • Make information on the CSR challenges and commitments of the Group, its brands and its products more easily accessible to consumers;
  • For a more complete understanding of its specific CSR challenges, develop and make available methodological guidelines for each of the company's business lines;
  • Support the Group's partners in structuring their own CSR approach in a more systematic way.


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