Summary of publications and clinical results

  • Sun protection

Phenylene Bis-Diphenyltriazine (TriAsorB), a new sunfilter protecting the skin against both UVB + UVA and blue light radiations

Bacqueville, D., Jacques-Jamin, C., Dromigny, H., Boyer, F., Brunel, Y., Ferret, P. J., Redoulès, D., Douki, T., Bessou-Touya, S., & Duplan, H.
Photochemical & photobiological sciences
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  • Skin sensitivity

Additional pharmacological activity of I-modulia and generation of two newly designed extracts of Aquaphilus dolomiae culture for dermocosmetic actives

T. Nguyen, B. Chol, M. Maitre, K. Ravard-Helffer, F. Farinole, F. Lestienne, N. Castex-Rizzi
The Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
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  • Skin sensitivity

Clinical remission of atopic dermatitis (AD) after intake of a low-salt water

Clinical remission of atopic dermatitis (AD) after intake of a low-salt water has recently been reported.
P. Dupuy M. Cassé F. André H. Dhivert-Donnadieu J. Pinton, J. Hernandez-Pion
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  • Skin sensitivity

Atopic Dermatitis - When the skin window is open

A. Wollenberg, M. Deleuran, C. Vestergaard, A. Seba, A.S. Antal, N. Castex‐Rizzi, M.F. Galliano, M.F. Aries, H. Hernandez‐Pigeon, C. Vaissiere, H. Delga, A. Caruana, C. Carrasco, M. Lévêque, H. Duplan, S. Bessou‐Touya, C. Gelmetti, K.H. Kim, L.F. Eichenf
British Journal of Dermatology
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  • Skin sensitivity

The changing faces of acne: Experts insights

Guest editor: Prof B.Dréno
British Journal of Dermatology
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  • Skin sensitivity

Therapeutic patient education: the Avène-Les-Bains experience.

D. Guerrero, R. Calmette
The Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
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