Summary of publications and clinical results

  • Sun protection

Penetration Study of Formulated Nanosized Titanium Dioxide in Models of Damaged and Sun‐Irradiated Skins

Corinne Miquel‐Jeanjean, Frédéric Crépel, Véronique Raufast, Bruno Payre, Lucien Datas, Sandrine Bessou‐Touya, Hélène Duplan
Photochemistry and Photobiology
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  • Sun protection

Sub-optimal Application of a High SPF Sunscreen Prevents Epidermal DNA Damage in Vivo

Antony R Young, Jessica Greenaway, Graham I Harrison, Karl P Lawrence, Robert Sarkany, Thierry Douki, France Boyer, Gwendal Josse, Emmanuel Questel, Camille Monteil, Ana B Rossi
Acta DermatoVenereologica
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  • Sun protection

Standardization of an in vitro Model for Evaluating the Bioavailability of Topically Applied Compounds on Damaged Skin: Application to Sunscreen Analysis

Carine Jacques-Jamin, Corinne Jeanjean-Miquel, Anaïs Domergue, Sandrine Bessou-Touya, Hélène Duplan
Skin Pharmacology and Physiology
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  • Sun protection

Phenylene Bis‑Diphenyltriazine (TriAsorB), a new sunfilter protecting the skin against both UVB + UVA and blue light radiations

D. Bacqueville, C. Jacques‑Jamin, H. Dromigny, F. Boyer, Y. Brunel, P. J. Ferret, D. Redoulès, T. Douki, S. Bessou‑Touya, H. Duplan
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences
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  • Sun protection

MS imaging and absorption methods visualizing sun filter skin spatial distribution and penetration

C. Jacques, F. Crépel, D. El Assad, T.B. Angerer, J. Bour, C. Jeanjean-Miquel, D. Redoules, D. Bacqueville, F. Pamelard, S. Bessou-Touya, G. Frache, H. Duplan
Journal of Controlled Release
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  • Sun protection

Anticancer treatments and photosensitivity

V. Sibaud
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
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