Summary of publications and clinical results

  • Healing

Efficacy of EAH in wound healing following dermatological acts: a meta-analysis of >2,000 patients in eight countries corroborated by a dermatopediatric clinical case

Dermatological acts are increasing. These procedures cause injuries on skin layers, slowing down wound healing
2018 Nov
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  • Eczema

Efficacy of a EAH in Peelings: Benefit to Patient’s Downtime and Pain

After chemical peels, during the healing process, patients may impose downtime which can impact social life
2019 Oct
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  • Eczema

Prevalence of visible skin diseases: An international study of 13,138 people

3/4 patients suffering from a visible skin disease (minly located on face and/or hands). These data are important to consider when dealing with the quality of life or burden of chronic skin diseases.
2023 Feb
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  • Eczema

Effects of Exomega Control on microinflammation and skin barrier function in atopic dermatitis patients

Important role of emollient in microinflammation allways present in AD.
2018 Apr
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  • Eczema

EU guideline (EuroGuiDerm) on AD_part II–non systemic therapy

Update of recommandation for AD Management with topical emollient +, hygiene and dietary
2022 Nov
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  • Eczema

EU guideline (EuroGuiDerm) on AD_part I–systemic therapy

Update of recommandation for AD Management with systemic treatments
2022 Sep
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