Summary of publications and clinical results

  • Skin sensitivity

Acceleration of keratinocyte differentiation by transient receptor potential vanilloid (TRPV6) channel activation.

Lehen'kyi V, Vandenberghe M, Belaubre F, Julié S, Castex-Rizzi N, Skryma R, Prevarskaya N.
The Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
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  • Skin sensitivity

Avène Thermal Spring : an active component with specific properties

C Merial-Kieny, N Castex-Rizzi, B Selas, S Mery, D Guerrero
The Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
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  • Skin sensitivity

Modulation of Interleukin-8 and staphylococcal flora by Avène hydrotherapy in patients suffering from chronic inflammatory dermatoses

C Casas, V Ribet, S Alvarez-Georges, V Sibaud, D Guerrero, A-M Schmitt, D Redoulès
The Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
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  • Oncology

Tolerance of the association sucralfate / Cu-Zn salts in radiation dermatitis

G. De Rauglaudre, A. Courdi, F. Delaby-Chagrin, A. d’Hombres , J.-M. Hannoun-Levi, L. Moureau-Zabotto, A. Richard-Tallet, Y. Rouah, N. Salem, O. Thomas, T. Nocera, S. Mery, C. Merial-Kieny
Annales de dermatologie et de vénéréologie
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  • Oncology

Efficacy of a global supportive skin care programme with hydrotherapy after non-metastatic breast cancer treatment: a randomised contolled study

Dalenc F, Ribet V, Rossi AB, Guyonnaud J, Bernard-Marty C, de Lafontan B, Salas S, Ranc Royo AL, Sarda C, Levasseur N, Massabeau C, Levecq JM, Dulguerova P, Guerrero D, Sibaud V
European Journal of Cancer Care
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  • Healing

A novel dermo-cosmetic product containing thermal spring water, sucralfate, copper sulfate, and zinc sulfate in the management of hand eczema

V. Ribet, E. Mielewczyk, A. Sirvent, V. Georgescu, AB. Rossi
Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology
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